Hi for the longest time.
I stayed in France and Switzerland for six weeks, and finally, all is well with my parents. Perhaps I'll write more about what happened, later, after some time has passed and I've had time for contemplation – for now, the only thing that matters is that we all survived, and will be able to move forward as stronger and hopefully more positive people; a family.
48 hours in Melbourne in between continents, now in Tokyo. We came down the mountain from the thousand year old Koyasan yesterday, a night in a temple; stayed in Kyoto for a while before and after, and this morning, flew through the flatlands in a whale-nosed shinkansen. From the 22nd floor heights of this building, a cloudy afternoon, I am looking down to the boiling center, human traffic, of Shibuya and trying to make sense of life.
Best thoughts to you all, more pictures soon, and a new leaf.