Thursday, September 11, 2014

Radiant Pavilion – Melbourne Contemporary Jewellery and Object Trail, September 2015

The amazing Chloë Powell and Claire McArdle have been busy, thinking up and organising this event. Take note and use a permanent marker for your calendar now: 1-6 September 2015 will be THE days to be in Melbourne, to enjoy, exhibit, explore and discuss contemporary jewellery and objects. Here is the announcement of Radiant Pavilion website launch for more information:

Mari Funaki Award for Contemporary Jewellery

These are the last days to see an interesting, beautiful collection of contemporary jewellery from international and Australian, established and emerging, artists at Gallery Funaki, Melbourne:
The Mari Funaki Award for Contemporary Jewellery exhibition.

I am over the moon and very humbled to be a part of this amazing show (insert muffled screams of happiness onto the serious text here!!!). Two of the brooches below from my Evolution-series, the larger steel piece and the brooch in the lower image, were selected to participate. They received a Judges' Commendation for emerging jeweller's work (more screams!!!). 

A heartfelt thank you to the Gallery Director Katie Scott, Award Manager Chloe Powell, and the Judges Julie Ewington, Warwick Freeman, and Simon Cottrell.

The exhibition closes on September 13. Be quick!

PS. More images with details also here on Klimt02.

Brooches from the Evolution-series, 2013
Stainless steel, mild steel, crystals, iron, clay, patina, paint
70x130x70mm; 70x120x60mm

Hello 2014 and beyond!


Nearly two years have passed since my previous Season's Greetings post, in 2012. Time has flown, and there have been big changes in my life. The greatest of them all was welcoming our daughter into the world in June 2013. She is a beautiful (and very strong-willed, independent) mystery, and the past 15 months have been an intensive, wonderful road into the unknown, together as a family. Now we can all finally walk, so it's getting a bit easier.

I also finished my degree, Honours in Object Based Design, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, in June 2013. In fact, I put the very final touches on the final pieces for assessment just six hours before my baby was born. Now that is a busy week, don't you think!

Now it's time to get back into making and creative communication. Spring is here, the world is turning as it should be, and life is an open book. I shall start posting regularly again, starting with pictures of work from the recent past, to bring the online record up to date.

I'll also be present in Instagram as ordinari_observer.

A big thank you for those who've been reading my blog regularly and who might find their way here again, or for the first time. It would be great if you could join me on this next part of the journey.

Here we go!

Inari x

To link the last post of 2012 and this first of 2014, here are some of the final images that grew from the industrial moth sketches (post below) into the Saturnalia Industrialis-series of brooches, models and giclee prints during 2012 and 2013.